Ad&d Karameikos; Scatola Mystara campaign con cd (60)
Ad&d Ravenloft Web of illusion(avv 7-9) cellophane (30)
Ad&d Role aids Denizens of diannor cellophane (10)
Ad&d Role aids Denizens of verekna cellophane (10)
Ad&d(2° ed) Magic Encyclopedia, vol two cellophane (10)
Ad&d(2° ed) Forgotten Realms; Endless Armies cellophane (12)
Ad&d(2° ed) Forgotten Realms; Fires of Zatal cellophane (20)
Ad&d(2° ed) Forgotten Realms; Horde Campaign (15)
Ad&d(2° ed) Greyhawk adventures, Gargoyle (15)
Ad&d(2° ed) Spelljammer; Pratical planetology, cellophane(15)
Ad&d(2° ed) Spelljammer; Crystal Spheres, cellophane (15)
Ad&d(2° ed) Spelljammer; Lost Ships, cellophane (10)
Ad&d(2° ed) Spelljammer; Skull& Crossbows, cellophane (10)
Ad&d(2° ed) Manuale del Giocatore Elfi (50)
Ad&d(2° ed) Dark Sun; Dune trader, cellophane (20)
Ad&d(2° ed) Thief’s challenge, cellophane (20)
Ad&d Planetscape adv, The Devaspark (50)
D&d Assault on raven’s ruin cellophane (20)
D&d In the phantom’s wake cellophane (30)
D&d Hollow world; Nightstorm cellophane (20)
D&d La maledizione di Xanathon(modulo X3) (30)
D&d Gli emirati di Ylaruam (20)
Fith cycle Rpg cellophane(50)
Targ The destiny map + gamemaster screen, avv 1/3, cellophane (10)
Targ the forever city avv3/3 (5)
Targ the living land suourcebook (10)
Primal order pawns compendium of divine level creatures and servitors (40)
Star wars Battlefor the golden sun(avv star wars rpg) cellophane (20)
Stormbringer avventura Il ladro di Anime (12)
Stormbringer avventuraLa Spadanera (12)
Stormbringer modulo geografico Pan Tang, l’isola dei demoni (20)
Gdw BattleforMoscow(15)
Mage the Ascension Loom of fate (10)
Gdw BattleforBasra(5)
Stratelibri Non Morti, l’Armata delle tenebre (15)
Guerre stellari Guida all’impero (15)
Warhammer 40000 Compilation (40)
Firefight Urban conflict in the Ion Age(alt. armies)(10)
Gurps Magic Items2 (10)
Gurps Magic (Ita) (20)
Girsa I ladri di Tharbard (10)
Hero Games Camphions of the north (20)
Prinz Jaggar Vai al profilo 11 Novembre 2014 – 17:30
Io sono interessato se i prezzi sono trattabili. fammi sapere, saluti :O)